Tuesday, December 09, 2008

European Union Anti-Democratic?

Euroscepticism is on the rise, and is really any surprise when the EU insist that Ireland re-run a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty?

Of course the Irish government claim that in no way have they been bullied by the bigger countries that treat the EU as their own little cabal, in particular France and Germany.

According to current EU rules all 27 member states must ratify the Lisbon Treaty in order for it to become a reality, therefore according to EU rules, the Lisbon Treaty is dead, as was the constitution before it.

For the Irish government to run a second referendum, when the Irish electorate have already given their verdict on the question placed before them is arrogant in the extreme.

If this goes ahead, and the EU disregards its own procedures and rules, then one can only hope that the Irish again vote down the Lisbon Treaty - and that the leaders of the various nations in the EU learn to listen to the people. It is called democracy.


Anonymous said...

Which rule in specific and in detail did the EU brake?

Whats if public surveys show that public opinion may have changed? What they actually do. Why should they not be allowed to have a second vote then? If the surveys were wrong, they still can vote it down easily.

Anonymous said...

In any case, vote already now YES to Free Europe Constitution at www.FreeEurope.info

Reuben Gray - TaleOfAle said...

As an Irishman, I feel I am entitled to an opinion.
There were a number of reasons that we voted no. Mostly it was scaremongering from a group called Libertas who are run by a company that is funded by the US military who spread lies such as a yes vote means we lose a commissioner when in fact we had already voted away our commissioner in Nice (also required a second vote).
The main reason there was a no vote, and this was the same as the nice vote was that the Government did not do any campaigning and did not explain what it was about.

I voted yes but as it turns out, the no vote were right because the new version of Lisbon will have a better deal for Ireland and i believe we even get to keep our commissioner now :D

This is what democracy is all about. I myself am a pro European to the point of a United states of Europe style country,