Thursday, April 21, 2011

30 Day Song Challenge - Day 12

Doing an about face from yesterday, the theme for day 12 is a "song by a band you hate". As you can imagine for an opinionated git like me, there is an extensive list of musical crap out there. Here are three, each from a band I hate. No words are necessary, the horror of the music speaks for itself.

Track 1 - "Blue Monday" by New Order

Track 2 - "Fields of Gold" by Sting

Track 3 - "eSeMeS" by Lucie Bílá

Goodness me, I feel physically sick right now.


Ashley R. said...

I don't know about Lucie Bila, but I love the other two... how is it we get along on road trips?

Alistair Reece said...

it really is very simple my love, I spend the required minutes and seconds lamenting your taste in music and by the time we are done, the song is finished.